Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday Thirteen: 13 Awful Business Names


Thank you to PopHangover for these goodies!
At least SOMEONE is getting lucky!

Which is more dangerous: A woman with PMS
or a woman with a weapon? How about both?

I can't even figure out what kind of business this would be.


Darla M Sands said...

These are great! Some I've seen before but others were new. Thank you!

Kimberly Menozzi said...

Those were great - while some of them are probably just matters of pronunciation, others are clearly deliberate.

I'm torn as to whether I'd ever want to use their services, though. Heh.

Happy TT!

Alice Audrey said...

Some of these are just funny, but there's no way I'm eating at the golden shower.

Jennifer Leeland said...

*snirk* "We'll put our hose anywhere".

Heather said...

LOL - Those are pretty awful.

Unknown said...

Oh man. That's Till-e-cum not Till I come! But I can see how you could make the mistake :)

Janice Seagraves said...

Good God, those are real businesses?


Neil Plakcy said...

I often drive past the Badcock store on my way home from work. I have my own slogan for them: "The only bad cock is no cock at all." Sadly, they aren't using it.

Fiona McGier said...

Thanks for the chuckles. The only really funny sign we ever saw was a funeral home called "Cease". That was their family name. But not nearly as funny as yours!
Camel Tow...heh heh...